Saturday, 17 May 2014
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Obama made a joke on putin last night. Share and comment.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
How to earn money on internet easy!
well there are many choices but to profit you must fufill these conditions:
to be famous or interesting
Hard working
Sit all day on internet
Be aware of health damanges it will cause
Make blogger acc.
Monday, 13 January 2014
Evo me na zeleznickoj stanici i...
Evo me na glavnoj stanici u Bg, u "brzom" vozu. Polazi u 11. Gledam ove isharane vozove koje je isharala neka ulicna banda koja nema sta drugo da radi. Ali zasto je to tako, zasto ljudi imaju potrebu da sharaju vozove, itd.
Pa veoma je jednostavno u sustini. To je radnja koju tera "ono" isto sto nam daje zju da budemo roditelji, da posle nase smrti ostanemo zapamceni, itd. Potice is primitivnog ljudskog doba kad je covek morao da obelezava teritoriju kako mu neko ne bi narusio integritet. Ali razlog same zelje da zastitimo svoj prostor je opstanak, koji je tezi ako te neki "majmun" pokrade. Kradja sama po sebi ima smisla odokativno gledano ali u srzi se krije odnos veze sopstvenog i tudjeg. Mi smo u sustini veoma prosta bica u kojima se u stvari i ne krije nista posebno. I dalje smo obicni "majmuni" koji vise ne udaraju kamenom o kamen, nego necim drugim uvek proporcionalnim nasim sposobnostima tj. Inteligencijom. Jer sposobnost nije usko vezana za inteligenciju jer mi sada imamo dovoljno fizicke sposobnosti da napredujemo 1000 godina odmah, ali nemamo intelektualnog napretka. Donekle sve vrste osim intelektualnih (i one na neki nacin) uticu na razvoj inteligencijskih sposobnosti, sto dalje uoblicuje ostale sposobnosti. Na neki nacin zivot je perpetum mobile ako bi se isata proglasilo time osim samog vemena i prostora. Ali to kazem jer se zivot moze tumaciti na razne nacine i postoji u raznim oblicima. Ovo nema mnogo direktne veze sa onim sto sam prethodno pricao, ali vazno je napomenuti da zivot cini i prestanak zivota, kao i fazu izmedju nestanka i nastanka. Zivot nastaje I kada nema jasnih oblika zivota, jer u mikro svetu, svaki materijal od koga moze nastati zivot, vec predstavlja neki vid zivota koji ce se realizovati u buducnosti. Da se vratimo na ljudsku cud.
Covek je prost, radi i zivi radi sebe a ne radi drugih, cak i kada sam pokusava da zivi za druge, to samo znaci da je na intelektualnoj lestvici iznad coveka koji misli samo na sebe. Ljudi zive za sebe ziveci za druge. Sve je proporcijonalno i svako dobije isto od zivota. U prostom smislu ako ne gledamo sve aspekte i detalje zivota- Srecan covek koji umre mlad je isto kao stariji nesrecan. Razlog zasto su teska pitanja: dali biti sila kratko ili kukavica dugo? Je jer su ova dva ista. Ovde se uzima napredak drustva, drustvene veze i zasluge. Greska, u stvari nisu ista ako gledamo konstantan "napredak" bilo u losem ili dobrom smislu drustva. Napredak drustva je veoma komplikovan aspekat za koji da bi se predvidio razvoj treba znati buducnost cije znanje ce kasnije promeniti buducnost. Svaki covek utice neizmerljivo kolicinski na svet. Sta bi bilo da sam je tvog oca 20 god pre tvog rodjenja slzcajni prolaznik zadrzao 2 sekunde vise. Ne samo da ti (spermatozoid) ne bi oplodio jajnu celiju, nego bi svi istali zivoti na svetu bili pomereni.
Friday, 10 January 2014
How to download protected photos?
In some sites you can not right click or find "save as". Be worry free, there is an easy solution u havent thought about.
Since all photos ur interested can be viewed fully or can be scaled down here is a break to the restless mind.
Click ctrl + PrtScn.
Open "paint" in windows and click paste.
Save it as jpg.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Why use FaceBook all day? Seriously?!?
-(Big smile) *what are you gona do today? (Or when you get home?)
-(rotten) im gona hang out on facebook. You?
-some blank words.....
*My start up converzation sentence.
So the problem is that everybody is lying us or dont have a life, like me and you!
Now! Lets try to sit whole day on FB and do.... what? Visit friends profiles, jerk off on some pretty ladies you are not even sure she downloaded photos from google, like statuses (Rotten smile!), look what love of my/ yours life did! and Chat!
That all can be accomplished in worst case scenario by staying 1h for 3 times per day online. Morning, afternoon and (mid)night - because you dont want to go to sleep with knowing you was online 3h before and all your thinking related to it is 3h old, so you might have wasted 3h on pointless thinking or just want to get cheered up by news.
Advice: go to FB just before sleep so you will not get back to it again, and you will find out all ur interested about instantly. Its like waiting every each day for a series tv episode, without knowing its better and less stressful to let it all pass without watching and later watch all series on internet for free whenever you want. It saves your heart!
Now, if someone says he/she will be all day on facebook, you say by jealing on them: GET A LIFE!
See my other posts on my blog
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
How to memorize 30+ numbers in 1min!
Try to
1. split numbers in to 3parts
2. From the first num to the last u need to imagine them as hights that correspond to their number whith 0 as lowest.
3. Learn first part, then second and first and second.
Formula: 1+2+1-2+3+1-2-3
3. You will soon find that you can clearlie see picture that is very logical and easy to distinguish.
Example: pi num. 3.141 should be remembered as high and slim 1 and small 4. I know this is not what i wrote above but you need to combine.
I remembered 190 num pi in one and a half hours.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
WAYS of CHEATNG and what do do if u get BANNED from Warlight EXPLAINED
Top 2014 APPS for ROOTED phones!
10 Full!Screen
09 GooManager
08 Tasker
07 Juice Defender Ultimate
06 ROM Manager
05 Superuser
04 ROM Toolbox Pro
03 Greenify
02 Root Explorer
01 Titanium Backup
Safest way to ROOT any ANDROID device from 2.2 to 4.04 version.
Go to unlockroot and download free version of Unlockroot PRO.
Open program, while it downloads data, close all other programs.
When it finishes, plug your android in and enable debugging mode in android settings.
Click ROOT and wait until your phone restarts, it should take about 10 sec!
Thats it, your phone is safely rooted and it comes with Super su app, if it doesn't, download form Google.
WARNING, you have to be logged in Administrator account, because the program will not install it self, nor it will ask for admin password in a pop up, so just sign in on your admin acc.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
USA does not have the rights to be the " world police"!
First of all, so called world police should not be ever one country, but all countries united under a condition; all united must protect the united over others. And membership must be free and available for all. By agreeing to the terms, country is obligated to follow it, but by following it, it agrees that in case of war, union has the power to dismiss all armies from both sides and change the presidents. So in a way, there would be one big union-country and many countries in it with a role that have 50 American states of USA. Where one central unit " CPU " would operate the world, and would not be in any country known today, it would be made new country like World defense union W.D.U. country. Maybe later there would be its institutions in every country. But the point is that there will always be changing of perspective and from former countries we will get smaller entities with smaller responsibility, but same power and less mistakes because every issue would be processed by many people and the ones that receive it would also process it and change stuff together if something is wrong. So something like a big company where every man (country) is dependent of others if he wishes to have a job, and without it he can not.
MONROE - Monroe Doctrine 1823
Moving to protect American hegemony in the Western Hemisphere, President James Monroe declared that henceforth the U.S. would stop any European nation from interfering in the affairs of any country not already colonized.
POLK - Polk Doctrine 1845
A reiteration of the Monroe Doctrine, warning European powers that any encroachment on the North American continent would be met with resistance.
ROOSEVELT (Theodore) - Roosevelt Corollary 1904
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would act as the policeman of the Western hemisphere if a country doing business with Europe was guilty of" chronic wrongdoing or impotence."
TRUMAN - Truman Doctrine 1947
To suppress the possibility of a communist insurgency in Greece and Turkey, President Truman lobbied congress to provide military and economic aid which amounted to $400 million.
EISENHOWER - Eisenhower Doctrine 1957
Expanding on the Truman Doctrine, the Eisenhower Doctrine declares it is the policy of the United States to intervene militarily in the Middle East to protect legitimate governments from communist subversion.
NIXON - Nixon Doctrine 1969
The Nixon Doctrine encouraged Asian allies to slowly wean themselves off U.S. military aid in the war on communism. Over time he used the doctrine to justify the sale of major weapons to the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea and other countries in Asia and the Middle East.
CARTER - Carter Doctrine 1980
The Carter Doctrine committed the United States to protect the countries of the Persian Gulf from outside interference.
WEINBERGER - Weinberger Doctrine 1984
The Weinberger Doctrine, named in honor of Reagan’s Secretary of Defense, declares it is the policy of the United States to use its military forces only in the defense of American vital interests.
POWELL - Powell Doctrine 1990
The Powell Doctrine states that military force should only be used to win an overwhelming victory in a short period of time. Colin Powell, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the administration of George H.W. Bush, was determined never to commit U.S. troops to another war unless all-out victory was the goal.
CLINTON - Clinton Doctrine 1999
This informal doctrine, never officially articulated by the administration, argued that the best way to ensure stability in regions of interest to the United States was to combat instability wherever it may occur. Reasoning that no matter how seemingly insignificant the areas where instability may arise, violence and disorder can intensify and spread, ultimately threatening United States interests at home and abroad. To stymie potential problems, regional and ethnic conflicts must be addressed as early as possible.
BUSH (GW) - Bush Doctrine 2001
The Bush Doctrine declares it is the policy of the United States government to go after all terrorists with a global reach and the states which harbor them. A key element is the right of the United States to preempt an attack on the United States in order to" confront the worst threats before they emerge."
OBAMA - Obama Doctrine 2011
It depends on who you ask
Warlight Best and the most intuitive risk conquer the world game!
-in 1vs1 you play against random or invited by yourself player. If you play in a automatic game which is posted as soon as previous is started, you get random terr.
-World diplomacy, diplomacy or diplo a type of mode where you have to declare war 2 min before boot time in public chat, like war on xxxxx. You do everything as a peaceful nation. Dont attack weak nations.
-FFA stands for free for all and it inst logical name for what it is being used. You can attack anybody anytime. There should be less allies and peace.
- Team game is where you are in teams which share victory and attacking a team member is pointless.
There is also another Lottery mode where you get to win if you get only spot with bonus sufficient to defeat all players.
When you click a game in open games, there will be a new window to join game. After starting you have a button " begin " to click, which can be easily turned off in settings. You have deploy, attack and confirm stages. Your income is number of available armies you can deploy.
Things you wish you knew!
1. When attacking your allie if in team game, for any crazy reason since you all win as a team, you need to click attack teammate box every time you want to attack because if you don't your teammate will see where you attacked him and where you just transferred armies as a result of not clicking the box, and attack you with your armies.
2. When you have 100 armies and your opponent 80 and have about the same income you can attack him and he will lose much more than you.
3. When you are USA in diplomacy game, most likely you are going to be attacked by china and Russia if you attack smaller nations which are only left.
4. The point of diplo games is to win by cooperating and making peace, so they say when they want to make you a Public enemy-all attack you without warring, for attacking everybody legally.
5. There is custom scenario that allows you to make seats that are connected with countries you get. It is unlocked in 46 lvl.
The game is worth checking but not that active like before.
You can make profiles with emails like without confirming your email.
Friday, 3 January 2014
Samsung Galaxy Trend GT 7560
-GHz MTK single core processor
-650 mb RAM
-480x800 TFT 4.0 inch screen.
-5 mpx camera, and rear VGA
- Slim body
-Android 4.04 ICS -ice cream sandwich
-costs about 200 $ at most
-and its a pretty nice phone. I have it and it works really fast.
-Nice colors reproduction and crisp image.
-Good video recording and no laggy image even if it is just VGA res.
-250 mg graphic card, so many games will run well, but because of its cpu in some games and apps will heavily lag. You can overclock cpu to 1.5 GHz and than becomes a beast.
-Very elegant and beautiful design, i just wanna eat it.
-Screen can get really filthy and rough. Oil from fingers gets on so fast. ( MY 1# PROBLEM)
- Laggy system when you synchronize and download apps in the same time.
- Can bug when opening Dialer app, which can really piss you off.
Other than that, its a really good phone, sometimes i feel like i wouldn't give it even for a Samsung galaxy s4.
Design is something really fantastic, on the same level like s4. And the phone is so much better looking in real life, screen is much taller and feels bigger then compared to the image where i see a big difference even if it is same model.
Final Answer and closed theme: Android or IOS
Best sites for watching free movies!
First post! Brief introduction
Blog is running, Twitter, facebook,Google+ ...etc. accounts and profiles were created and all share the same name " Lockedapps ". I would apriciate if you dear reader were to folliw me on twitter and other social media profiles, since it would mean alot to me especially because I just opened personal business. I will publish many advices related to internet media and apps, but also many more exciting stuff.
My email is also